I Want My 88 Cents Back

Nobody puts coins in their pants pockets anymore. And pennies don’t matter anymore. Lisa points out that Pat almost ALWAYS talks about men who have croaked more than he reports on women. Pat’s mad at stores that don’t post prices. Pat argues with Lisa about the merits of Three Stooges. …

Bonus Episode – Dustin Hornby

We recently attended Dustin Hornby’s private memorial. Pat emceed the event. Many tears and much laughter. We wanted to share this bonus piece of audio of Dustin for our listeners who knew him and loved him. Dustin joined Pat and Lisa back on the 100th anniversary of Peculiar Podcast – …

Talk Like A Frog

Pat says it’s Lisa’s fault, and Lisa says it’s Pat’s fault. It’s easy to talk like a frog if you know the secret! Pat and his wife Patty had another WORST vacation week. How you load the dishwasher matters, of course. Pat tells a frog joke that he has not …

Slow As A Slug In Molasses In January

Pat and Lisa argue over the Barbie movie. And they also argue over porn movies. And they argue over some other stuff. “Hey Pat, feel free to never watch this movie again.” Songs in this episode: “Great Balls of Fire” Jerry Lee Lewis (1957) “Whole Lotta Shakin’ Goin’ On” Jerry …

This Has A Happy Ending

Pat tells a horrifying story that shook him to his core (that has a happy ending) and Lisa has a tough time letting him get through the story. Pat has a situation that calls for him to wear his reading glasses in the shower. Lisa doesn’t like men who get …

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