The Humdinger Games

Pat and Lisa flex their muscles and their mouths, mess with the Hunger Games, fill up on butterhorns, get rid of unwanted hair, and  they don’t even break a sweat doin’ it. Pics and stuff: Google image search Define: prerecorded Hunger Games Mockingjay Shatner Rules Catching Fire Lord of the Flies …

Green and Clean

Time to drive out the snakes with a beer-slingin-wench.  We make her clean out the garage while she’s at it… Pics and stuff:

The Day Daisy Farted

Frank talk about funerals and cell phone etiquette.  Which leads naturally, to Girl Scout cookies. Pics and stuff: Define: cogitating Define: horripilate

Things That Don’t Suck

Alcohol by the pallet, appliances that work – and ones that don’t, planned obsolescence, repair men and well made products. All this and some septic tank talk on this episode of “Pat and Lisa, the Podcast”. Pics and stuff:

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