Men Will ALWAYS Be Men

Pat and Lisa look back at the hit songs from the late great Burt Bacharach. And Pat is super sad, as a man, that Raquel Welch has passed away. And what makes a “good kisser”? Best selling poster of all time? The answer may surprise you! The Superbowl Tubi commercial …

Costco Is For The Young

Lisa gets all wound up over Lisa Marie Presley’s name. Pat recalls a conversation he had with Evel Knievel’s brother.. who said “that guy is crazy”. Pat and Patty both caught the Covid – it made Pat mad and made Patty cry. Pat now buys only tiny trial size things …

Got Your NFT Right Here Baby

Pat & Lisa have a major announcement to pitch some new podcast merch. Please buy it. Do you know what the first Chia pet was? Songs in this episode: “It’s a Beautiful Morning” The Rascals (1968) “Good Lovin” The Rascals (1967) “People Gotta be Free” The (Young) Rascals (1967) “Donald …

Your Lips Are Boring

Pat and Lisa discuss people who talk too much, and those that don’t talk enough. Pat gets pictures from his colonoscopy. Lisa goes on a series of boring dates with some boring men.   Songs in this episode: “Don’t Stop” Fleetwood Mac “Over My Head” Fleetwood Mac “Songbird” Fleetwood Mac …

I’m Not Your Puppet

It’s none of our business, but we think marrying a family member is ill-advised. Is it better to die when things are going well, or when things are going horribly? And, sigh, yes, “The Pig” visits the podcast. How much do you swear? If a sailor and a truck driver …

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